Monday, October 29, 2018

TEVO 3D Printer Products and Their Presence Among Consumers

End user products that use 3D printing are all around us, we just don’t notice that (or because we simply do not know it’s a form of 3D print out).  As the human’s love for technology grows, so is the development of 3D printing. Such examples of end user products are noted below.

·        Furniture
There are companies nowadays that utilize reusable materials using printers like TEVO 3D printer.  They are also developing a way into which UV-cured plastics could be turned into designed shapes.  In fact, there has been what is called an “Endless Chair” that is made from recycled plastic of an old refrigerator.

·        Lighting
3D printing is also utilized by designers of lighting fixtures and lamp shades. Prototypes have been developed for designs that envelope around florescent tube although there has been no mass production yet.  3D printing also plays an important role for the development of bulbs and LEDs.  Learn about androidtipster on

·        Jewelries
3D printing like TEVO 3D printer is also capable of making ornaments as well as jewelries.  Wax molds are created using this technique to produce the desired design of a jewelry. 

·        Medical
Implants and prosthetics are the good examples of 3D products.  Aside from that, there are also developments that make use of 3D printing in more advanced ways. As a result, patients are experiencing more comfort on their treatments.

·        Dental
Dental industry is one of the many business that uses 3D printer like TEVO 3D printer and they are definitely growing in a fast pace.  Products such as bite splints, night guards, retainers, dentures and crowns are a result of 3D printing. 

·        Bio-printing
Tissue engineering is one field of engineering that’s taking advantage in 3D printing.  It uses the technique in building body parts and other organs.  Biotechnology firms and various academic research have been adopting this kind of technology on their studies.

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